Thinking of Ishtar


the magnificent Ishtar gate


Ishtar gate lion

A shop assistant in my local grocery store wished me “Schöne Ostertage” (happy Easter days) but what I heard was the name of the goddess Astarte, which is a counterpart of the Babylonian goddess Ishtar. I found myself thinking of her today. Some scholars speculate her name is at the root of our Easter, but as far as I know this has not been proven beyond doubt.

I found two fascinating links today that I want to share.

The true origin of Easter

Ishtar myth

A link to a great post by a fellow blogger that I stumbled upon just today.

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8 Responses to Thinking of Ishtar

  1. MartsArts Poetrypictures says:

    Yes, interesting links indeed. In the northeast of Holland (historacly saxon area) we also know the easter-fires. Hope they will really bring some spring soon this year (or us it else written in the stars?).


    • Interesting thing about the Easter fires. I love these ancient rituals that have survived through time. In Zurich we have Sechseläuten, the burning of the Bööögg, which is a figure of a giant snowman, but that takes place later in April. I hope the winter is not going to hold on until then, though.


      • MartsArts Poetrypictures says:
        The german Wiki says this Böögg burning indeed also is connected to the tradition and meaning of easterfires. It says also something about people dressed as ‘larven’ (parasites?) scaring children in the streets. This remindes me of my mother telling me once that they used to burn their strawbeds in spring to destroy the flees in them.


  2. Gardengypsy says:

    I thought of this the moment I saw her name and thought you might enjoy it. I love this album, and this is my favorite track: Of the Sleep of Ishtar – Karl Sanders


  3. lol Good post. I was thinking of posting on Ishtar today but didn’t, I even played the part of the Ishtar Bunny for sister and my housemate today~


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